4540 Cordata Pkwy, Suite 103,
Bellingham, WA 98226

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Patient Center

Financial Policy

Charges for office visits are based on the complexity of your condition, the time spent with your provider and the number of conditions or diagnoses dealt with; your provider makes the determination as to the level of service. If you have any questions about our fees and payment options please ask to speak with the bookkeeper or office manager.

We will submit your bill to your insurance company if we are a contracted provider. You must present a valid insurance card at the time of your visit or we will assume that you are responsible for payment in full at the time of service. All co?pays are due prior to treatment.

If we are not billing your insurance, full payment is due at the time services are rendered and a 15% discount will be given off our established rates. We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit cards.

There are some insurance plans with which we do not have a contractual agreement. We are happy to assist you to receive your maximum allowable benefits and will file the claim for you upon request. You remain responsible for payment of services. Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company.

Please note that credit balances of less than $5.00 are refunded upon request. Otherwise, the credit will remain on your account until your next visit.

Our staff is trained to help you with any insurance question you may have. We can answer your questions relating specifically to our charges and your claim. COVERAGE ISSUES can only be addressed by the member services department of your insurance carrier.

Surgery and Elective Surgical Procedures: Should a surgical procedure be necessary, we will contact your insurance company and verify your plan benefits for co?pay, deductible, and coinsurance. If you have been scheduled for surgery at Bellingham Ambulatory Surgery Center, there will be charges in addition to the physician's fee. You will receive a separate statement from BASC for the facility portion of the total bill. Separate statements will also be sent for anesthesia and/or pathology charges.

Please note that should Bellingham Eye Physicians need to utilize a collection agency to collect payment on your account, your care with the practice may be terminated.

Accepted Insurances

Bellingham Eye Physicians is contracted with the following companies. For information about your particular benefits, please call your insurance company directly.

First Choice Health Network
Group Health
Regence Blue Shield
Premera Blue Cross
United Health Care
March Vision
Community Health Plan of WA
Apple Health
Northwest Benefit Network (eye exams and contacts)

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